Graffiti Removal

If vandalism is found on private property action will be required on behalf of the property or business owner to remove the graffiti in an appropriate time frame.

ESDA ambassadors are equipped with painting supplies to support businesses that have been targeted by vandalism. If desired, one of our ambassadors can assist with painting over the graffiti, if it is on ground level. We simply request that you provide us with paint that matches the surface color.

ESDA provides:

  • Ambassadors quickly identify new graffiti and report it to the business and property owner so that it can be resolved before someone reports it to the city.

  • Assistance with painting over graffiti tagging and vandalism.

  • Procedures on how to safely remove graffiti that protects the individual, business, and the environment.

  • Recommendations for how to prevent graffiti.

  • Resources for applying paint or anti-graffiti coatings to surfaces so that graffiti can be easily removed.