District Ambassadors

The ESDA BIA funds District Ambassadors who walk and bike the neighborhood, providing more eyes on the street, assisting people in need, picking up litter, addressing graffiti, and quickly responding to other potential issues.

BIA Businesses + Property Owners Resource Guide

Ambassador Schedule

Monday: 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Tuesday-Thursday: 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sunday: No Ambassador Services

Contacting an Ambassador

To reach an Ambassador during service hours, please call or text ‪(425) 224-6024‬. They will respond promptly within the service hours listed above.

The Ambassador Program is overseen by ESDA’s Neighborhood Services Program Manager, Rachel Holloway, who can be contacted at rachel@everettstationdistrict.com or 425-366-0610.

Ambassador Activities

  • Welfare Checks — If a person appears to need assistance, ambassadors will complete a welfare check to ask how the person is doing and if they could use any help. Ambassadors may provide to individuals: a social services pocket resource guide, Narcan supplies, and assistance in calling 2-1-1.

  • Minor Litter Cleanup — Ambassadors collect litter and trash while on patrol. Any major trash pile-ups are reported to Everett Public Works for cleanup.

  • Graffiti Assistance — As part of their regular patrols, ambassadors identify all graffiti, which our Neighborhood Services Program Manager reports to the business and property owner. Working with property owners, we can have paints in our storage that matches the color of their buildings and fences, and the ambassadors can paint over the graffiti when authorized/requested by the property owner. Learn more.

  • Identifying Drug Activity and Use — Ambassadors report drug-related activity to the Everett Police Department. If an individual appears to be experiencing an overdose, ambassadors will contact 911 and may administer Narcan.

  • Legal Violations - Ambassadors monitor for other unlawful activities, including potential parking violations, buffer zone violations, and physical safety concerns. Unlawful incidents are reported to he Everett Police Department.

  • Business Check-ins — Ambassadors frequently conduct check-ins with businesses that are in the BIA to stay aware of any potential emerging issues.

2024 Statistics